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Essential Insights Series

Digital Done Right: Optimize Before You Digitize

Digitalization can deliver huge benefits for businesses, from streamlined operations to better data analytics and improved customer experiences. With the rise of cloud computing, the Internet-of-Things (IoT), data analytics and robotic process automation, it is vital to jump on the digital bandwagon. And it is now also clear that those who fall behind on AI will soon have a serious competitive disadvantage.
However, rushing into digitalization without first optimizing your underlying processes can be a costly and damaging misstep. Investing in advanced digital tools while neglecting process optimization is like building a house on shaky foundations—no matter how advanced the tools, the structure won’t stand strong. Here’s why optimizing your processes first is crucial for maximizing your overall return on investments and securing long-term digitalization success.

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Agile: Managing Development in Today’s Dynamic Landscape

This short article covers Agile project management methodologies, the different variations in use, and why Agile is an important enabler for SMEs for managing technology/development projects in today’s world; it explains the benefits, including promoting flexibility, better customer collaboration, and faster time-to-market. It lists key implementation requirements for a successful adoption, and the typical challenges that companies encounter in the process. Finally, it also provides several best practices to help overcome or avoid these challenges.

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Navigating Supply Chain Challenges: even more complicated for SMEs

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) face unique challenges in managing their supply chains, including limited resources, lack of visibility, and dependence on key suppliers. There are however practical strategies for overcoming these challenges, such as leveraging cost-effective solutions, enhancing visibility through technology adoption, and building robust supplier relationships. Other considerations are the complexity of global supply chains, sustainability, and cybersecurity risks. Despite these challenges, SMEs can navigate them effectively through strategic planning and with the help of external expert support.

Navigating Supply Chain Challenges: even more complicated for SMEs Read More »

Optimized factory

An introduction to Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement, as a management concept, focuses on gradual enhancement in processes, products, and services over time. Originating in the early 20th century and gaining traction post-World War II, it’s characterized by a commitment to identifying and eliminating inefficiencies and defects.
Core principles include the Kaizen Philosophy, PDCA Cycle, employee involvement, customer focus, and data-driven decision-making. Its application spans various sectors, optimizing operations in manufacturing, healthcare, services, information technology, and education. Common challenges in implementation include resistance to change, explicit leadership commitment, and employee training.
Continuous Improvement is recognized for its role in operational efficiency, quality enhancement, employee engagement, innovation cultivation, adaptability, and strategic alignment, contributing to organizational excellence.

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The link between TPM and Lean Six Sigma

The link between Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Lean Six Sigma lies in their shared goal of achieving operational excellence through continuous improvement, waste reduction, and optimization of processes. While TPM and Lean Six Sigma are distinct methodologies, they are often integrated to create a comprehensive approach to enhancing overall efficiency and effectiveness within an organization.

(For more background, consult the separate articles in this Essential Insights series that introduce each of these methodologies.)

To help shed some light on the link between the two methodologies, this article briefly describes their (1) commonalities, (2) integration points, and (3) complementary aspects.

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Six Sigma hero artwork

An introduction to Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma, combining Lean methodologies and Six Sigma principles, is a robust tool for companies in pursuit of process improvement. Originating from Motorola and Toyota, Six Sigma focuses on defect reduction, while Lean targets waste elimination. This introduction explores the methodology’s core principles, applications across diverse industries, and the philosophy of statistical data analysis.
Unifying efficiency-focused Lean principles with Six Sigma’s defect-reduction philosophy, Lean Six Sigma offers a collaborative approach. Utilizing the DMAIC problem-solving method, it emphasizes customer focus, root cause analysis, variation reduction, teamwork, and continuous improvement.
With applications across industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and services, it delivers benefits like quality improvement, efficiency enhancement, waste reduction, cost savings, and sustainability. As industries evolve, the methodology remains a long-term investment for organizations committed to continuous improvement.

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An introduction to Total Productive Maintenance

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a robust framework that goes beyond the traditional maintenance methods, fostering a proactive and collaborative approach to asset management. With its roots in Japanese manufacturing, TPM’s principles have evolved and adapted, proving applicable across diverse industries. As organizations navigate challenges and embrace TPM’s key tenets—equipment ownership, preventive measures, autonomous maintenance, continuous improvement, and workforce engagement—they unlock tangible benefits. From heightened equipment reliability and enhanced overall equipment effectiveness to an empowered and engaged workforce, TPM paves the way for sustained operational excellence. The future of TPM holds promises of integration with Industry 4.0, a heightened focus on sustainability, and potential global standardization, underscoring its enduring relevance in the landscape of efficient asset management.

An introduction to Total Productive Maintenance Read More »

photo of Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 and Masters report

Gartner®’s Supply Chain Top 25 continues to recognize sustained world-class supply chain performance via the “Masters” category.

To be considered as “Masters”, companies must have attained global Top 5 scores for at least 7 out of the last 10 years.
Only P&GAmazon, Apple and Unilever qualified for the category in 2024.