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Essentiële Inzichten voor het KMB

Digital Done Right: Optimize Before You Digitize
While digitalization can revolutionize operations, rushing into it without optimizing underlying processes can be detrimental. Digitizing unoptimized processes can lead to faulty data, hidden inefficiencies, and increased complexity. Investing in digital tools without a solid foundation generally results in...
Navigating Supply Chain Challenges: even more complicated for SMEs
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) face unique challenges in managing their supply chains, including limited resources, lack of visibility, and dependence on key suppliers. There are however practical strategies for overcoming these challenges, such as leveraging cost-effective solutions, enhancing...
Agile: Managing Development in Today’s Dynamic Landscape
This short article covers Agile project management methodologies, the different variations in use, and why Agile is an important enabler for SMEs for managing technology/development projects in today’s world; it explains the benefits, including promoting flexibility, better customer collaboration, and faster...
An introduction to Continuous Improvement
Continuous Improvement, as a management concept, focuses on gradual enhancement in processes, products, and services over time. Originating in the early 20th century and gaining traction post-World War II, it's characterized by a commitment to identifying and eliminating inefficiencies and defects. Core...
The link between TPM and Lean Six Sigma
The link between Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Lean Six Sigma lies in their shared goal of achieving operational excellence through continuous improvement, waste reduction, and optimization of processes. While TPM and Lean Six Sigma are distinct methodologies, they are often integrated to create a...
An introduction to Lean Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma, combining Lean methodologies and Six Sigma principles, is a robust tool for companies in pursuit of process improvement. Originating from Motorola and Toyota, Six Sigma focuses on defect reduction, while Lean targets waste elimination. This introduction explores the methodology's core...
An introduction to Total Productive Maintenance
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a robust framework that goes beyond the traditional maintenance methods, fostering a proactive and collaborative approach to asset management. With its roots in Japanese manufacturing, TPM's principles have evolved and adapted, proving applicable across diverse...
photo of Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 and Masters report

Gartner®’s Supply Chain Top 25 erkent aanhoudende Supply Chain prestaties van wereldklasse via de categorie “Masters“.

Om als Masters” te worden beschouwd, moeten bedrijven gedurende minstens 7 van de laatste 10 jaar totaalscores hebben behaald in de Top 5. In 2024 kwalificeerden wederom alleen P&G, Amazon, Apple en Unilever zich hiervoor.